Practicing Creativity

Friday, May 23, 2014

How to remove red nail polish marks from paper?

I love red nail polish, even though it's probably the worst possible color choice for a paper crafter. I try and limit it to my toes, but every once in a while I just have to do my fingernails.

And inevitably something like this will happen—a red mark left on my paper from the polish. However, I have figured out a way to remove that mark—sometimes—it's not fool proof. Mind you, it won't work on a patterned paper nor will it work directly on a colored image (it takes off a bit of the top paper layer) and it doesn't work as well on glossy papers, but on lighter colored papers or in a lighter colored area, it can work. If it means keeping your project or throwing it away to start all over, it's worth a try. Here's how:

1) You have a red mark on your paper left by an inadvertent swipe of your hand (grrrrrrrrrr....).

2) Take a white "magic" sponge and gently mist one corner of it with water. You don't want to saturate it; you want it just a tiny bit damp.

3) Rub the tip of the sponge gently on the red mark. You'll see that it's taking away a bit of the paper's top layer. Don't rub too hard.

4) Voila! The red mark is gone (do let the paper dry before proceeding). Again, not a perfect method by any means, but in a pinch it's worth a try.


  1. Cela m'est arrivé une fois, maintenant j’évite le rouge ;o)
    Merci de partager ton astuce!

  2. Excellent tip! Thanks so much!

  3. *i am here to play "catch up" lol

    fantastic trick you found!!

  4. I'm searching for something in your blog and came across this wonderful tip. WOW. Thanks so much for sharing! Not that I wear red nail polish anymore, but it's still a good tip to know JUST IN CASE... :)

  5. Oh my goodness how great is this. I was amusing myself in your blogland once again and found a problem I didn't even realize had a solution! Well done!


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