Practicing Creativity

Where to Find Discount Scrapbooking Supplies in France

The realization came to me recently as I was searching product links for my Polar Bear Christmas Step Card post, the majority of my scrapbooking supplies are retired. This was swiftly followed by the realization that I did not care.

The fact is there is too much new out there for me to keep up with and even if I wanted to I couldn't afford it and if I could afford it, I couldn't find it. There are no big Michael's, or Hobby Lobby, or Joann shops near me. There are no independent stores. If I want something new and trendy, I'm going to have to order it online. Or if I want something new to me, I go to NOZ. NOZ is a chain of discount stores across France that specialize in selling overstock, end of series, order cancellations, legal or transport claim settlements, and goods with short sell by dates. 

You never know what you'll find at NOZ (they sell a little bit of everything), but whatever you find it will be at a significantly reduced price. Case in point these recent craft purchases which amounted to a grand total of €18.50. I was especially pleased with the Design Block paper pads for only €0.50 each. There are 32 sheets in each pad, so that's a per sheet price of less than two cents. I cannot print a ditgital paper for that. 

Note – remember my January 12th announcement I was not buying any new craft supplies for a year? Uh, I changed my mind.


  1. Great buy on the paper! Love the eyeglass embellishments.

  2. Shani tu as la chance d'avoir ces magasins près de toi! Par ici, le plus près c'est Action, qui a beaucoup de produit à des très bons prix! Mais bon, pour y aller il vaut mieux le faire quand il n'y a pas de bouchons, sinon ce serait super long! Là-bas nous prenons tous les produits pour l'entretien de la maison, produits d’hygiène corporelle et bien sûr: les loisirs créatifs!!
    C'est qui est bien avec Noz c'est que tu as toutes les marques!
    Profites bien ma jolie, et surtout pas besoin culpabiliser si tu n'as pas tenu ta promesse de début d'année ;D


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