Practicing Creativity

Happy National Handwriting Day

The Guardian, 21 January 2025, by Christine Rosen

It's January 23rd. Do you know what day it is? Not only is it American statesman and first signer of the United States Declaration of Independence John Hancock's birthday, it's also National Handwriting Day hence the title of this post.

Writing in cursive is something I feel very strongly about and have written several Paperesse posts on the subject coinciding with this day. Lest you think cursive handwriting is merely a pretty way to write, know that study after study has shown benefits to cursive writing, among which are heightened creativity, aiding childhood mental development, improved dexterity, and helping us to learn and retain information. We are in danger of loosing these benefits and so many more that no amount of keyboarding can replace. Unfortunately a world where adults struggle to sign their name is staring us in the face.

Rather than rehash my previous posts on this subject (but I've provided a link there if you care to check them out), I thought I would share with you the above article I read yesterday in The Guardian – Signature moves: are we losing the ability to write by hand? by Christine Rosen (January 21, 2025). It is a long read, but if you find this subject as important as I do you will find it a very interesting one and well worth your time. What struck me as different with this article was the emphasis on creativity and handwriting and the importance of  actually crafting something with your hands – a sentiment with which I'm sure all my fellow cardmakers can relate.

If you're looking for a quick read this post on the site will definitely make you want to pick up your pen and get cracking: The Benefits of Handwriting: 10 Amazing Truths about Writing by Hand.

Happy handwriting!!!


  1. I remember getting my first Sheaffer fountain pen in 3rd or 4th grade. I couldn't wait to use it. To this day I still love writing cursive with a nice fountain pen. I need to do it more often. Thanks for the inspiration, Shani!

  2. I still enjoy handwriting notes and letters. At work, I'm often telling my students how beneficial it is to handwrite (rather than keyboard) notes during lectures. Yes! There is research to back this up. I didn't know about the link to creativity though.

    Thanks for a great post, Shani!


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